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Learn More about our Church Calendar:
Here are some events and programs that take place
on a regular basis on our church calendar!
  • Youth Group:  For middle and high schoolers, in the youth room on the second floor. All youth welcome anytime; contact DCE Mylika Selah for questions ( 
  • Choir rehearsal:  If you would like to join the Chancel Choir, come first to a Thursday evening rehearsal in the sanctuary - or reach out to director David Neal at
  • Nursery:  Our nursery is on the second floor, and usually runs each Sunday from 9:45am-12:30pm.
  • Worship:  We worship every Sunday at 10am - rain, snow or shine.  Join us anytime!  Services last approximately an hour, seating is open, and an offering is taken but not mandatory.
  • Sunday School:  At about 10:15, following Children's Time in the worship service, we hold Sunday School on the second floor most Sundays, in a Montessori-style program.
  • Fellowship Time:  Meet for coffee and snacks after worship in the church narthex to visit with one another and make new friends!
  • Adult Education:  Most Sundays we have Adult Education classes in Dodds Hall on the lower level following Fellowship Time, from about 11:30-12:30.  Classes span the spectrum from Bible Study and Theology to Social Justice and Mission.  All are welcome!
  • Youth Choir:  During the academic year the Youth Choir meets for rehearsal on Sundays during Adult Education, from 11:30 until 12:15.  Welcoming children who can read through the time their voices change, we sing a mature repertoire in a variety of global and historic languages.  Ask questions of Director Kirianne at
The Presbyterian Church is a people-led congregation, and our committees are the center of that leadership!  Here are some committees that regularly meet at the church or on Zoom, and a little bit about what they do.
  • Session:  The Session of the church is an elected and ordained body, organized to guide the church's mission, vision and decisions.  Members of Session are nominated by the Nominating Committee and serve three-year terms.
  • Deacons:  The Deacons of the church are elected and ordained to the work of compassion and caring for the church and community.  Primarily visitors of those in need of care, Deacons are nominated by the Nominating Committee and serve three-year terms.
  • Adult Education:  Open to new members, this committee organizes Christian educational opportunities generally geared towards those ages 18+.  Chair: Elder Lorraine Maxwell.
  • Buildings and Properties:  Open to additional members, this group helps oversee the maintenance and repair of the church building, the manse, and the outdoor spaces under our care.  Chair: Elder Micah Beck.
  • Ceiling Committee:  This temporary committee is looking at solutions to stabilize the plaster ceiling of the sanctuary and remove the net.  Chair: Elder Micah Beck.
  • Finance:  The Finance Committee, chaired by Elder Christina Mead, watches over the church's financial position and its monthly income and expenses.
  • JPIC:  Short for Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation, this group meets on Zoom to discuss the church's social justice witness, including equity and environmental concerns, and urges the church forward in our education and collective responses to these issues.  Open to new members; Chair, Elder Brad McFall.
  • Membership Connections:  Chaired by Elder Sara Carpenter and open to new members, this group identifies newcomers and fosters relationships and discipleship in the congregation as a whole.
  • Membership Review:  The Clerk of Session convenes this committee seasonally as needed to review the membership of the church and make sure our records match our worshiping congregation.
  • Missioners:  This group meets by Zoom to discuss disbursement of mission funding and sponsoring of missionary work in the community, nation and world.  Open to new members; chaired by Elder Glen Dowell.
  • Monuments:  This group was formed for the specific purpose of considering the monuments that are erected around the church and its grounds, and evaluating whether they properly represent the Christian identity and witness of our congregation.  Chaired by Elder Christina Mead.
  • Nominating:  Constitutionally ordered in Presbyterian Churches, the Nominating Committee seeks out members of faith for service on the board of Deacons and the Session, and assists in their election to office, training, and ordination.  Chaired by Elder Micah Beck.
  • Personnel:  The Personnel Committee provides support and oversight of the church staff, providing for policies and practices that enhance our witness.  Chair: Elder Bruce Lane.
  • Stewardship:  Open to additional members, Stewardship is a seasonal group that promotes offerings, the practice of pledging, and overall giving to support the church in its mission.  Chaired by Elder Margaret Shackell. 
  • Strategic Planning:  This committee was formed in 2020 and tasked with helping the church concretely identify our vision for ministry and witness.  Chair: Elder Timothy Riley.
  • WMSL:  Short for Worship, Music, and Spiritual Life, this committee assists our congregation in enhancements of our worshiping life and organizes small groups for spiritual development.  Open to new membership; chaired by Elder Sylvia Reeves.
  • YMSS:  An abbreviation of "Youth Ministry and Sunday School," this committee helps oversee and support our ministry with children and youth and works closely with our Director of Christian Education.  Open to new members; chaired by Elder Tavie Flanagan.
  • Monday Night Small Group:  Anyone may join this ongoing small group!  Contact the church office for more information.
  • Community Game Night:  Every Thursday, this group meets to play board games in Dodds Hall.  For more information, contact Mischa Dixon via the church office - or just come!
  • Chancel Choir:  The Chancel Choir leads Sunday worship, and meets Thursday evenings at 7:30 in the sanctuary for rehearsal.  The choir always welcomes new singers!  To join, contact Director Dr. David Neal,
  • Tai Chi:  Led by member Maurice Haltom, this free Tai Chi class combines movement and Christian spirituality, and takes place Tuesday evenings in the church narthex.  All are welcome!
  • Wednesday Women's Bible Study:  Led by Rev. Joanne Bartel, the Wednesday Women's Bible Study meets by Zoom and follows seasonal studies.  Most members are retired, but all women are welcome to join; contact the church office with questions or for more information.
  • Open Doors English is a wonderful community of teachers and adult learners of English!  This international student body, meeting Monday through Thursday on the third floor, warms our church with its presence!
  • AA:  Alcoholics Anonymous' ministry to those in recovery from addictive substances is life-giving.  They meet in Dodds Hall every Tuesday evening at 7pm, and welcome all to their meetings.
  • Contra Dance Music:  This group of musicians meets to jam and practice for playing at contra dances, offered on the Ithaca Commons and elsewhere.  All are welcome to come listen or bring an instrument to join in the music!  Led by Suzanne Schwartz.
  • Irish Music Group:  Meeting Thursday evenings at 7pm, also led by Suzanne Schwartz, this group plays Irish music and welcomes all amateurs to come try it out!
  • Finger Lakes Pipe Band:  These long-time building residents practice on the third floor Wednesday nights, and can be heard in worship on Reformation Sunday.
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