We, the people of the First Presbyterian Church of Ithaca,
in a divided world filled with divergent Christian theologies,
believe in a unity found in God
that transcends every human label and judgment.
Confronted with the immensity of Jesus’ love, we aspire to
fight bigotry in our world and in ourselves;
celebrate our differences and recognize the strengths that only diversity can bring;
know that we can’t separate ourselves from one another without separating ourselves from God;
serve as advocates for those who are not capable of advocating for themselves;
cherish the earth as God’s gift to all humanity equally;
accept the responsibility of assisting those in need;
and dedicate ourselves to worship, prayer, and celebration in our church and beyond.
We do these things because we are all equally made in God’s image. God’s grace is freely given – therefore we are compelled to share this grace with all.
Session approved this statement on March 25, 2019 on behalf of the congregation.
Tel: (607) 272-2800
315 N. Cayuga Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Senior Pastor:
the Rev. Kirianne E. Weaver
Pastoral Supply:
the Rev. Cynthia A. Weaver, Ph.D.
Office Administrator:
Inna Zhuravlova
Accounting and Business:
Please leave us a note at:
Director of Christian Education:
Mylika Selah
Director of the Chancel Choir:
Dr. David Neal
Organist: Ian Woods
Building Manager: Joe Bocchiaro